Unique Hook & Cross Wire structure integrates flexibility from the Hook Wire and a thin diameter and fine meshes from the Cross Wire. Three types are available: Bare, Covered, and Bare(for Hepatic Ducts).
Approval Number:22500BZX00548000
Trade Name:胆道用BONASTENT カバー無し
Marketing Approval Holder:MEDICO’S HIRATA INC.
Approval Number:22400BZX00118000
Trade Name:BONASTENT 胆道ステントセット カバー付き
Marketing Approval Holder:MEDICO’S HIRATA INC.
Excellent flexibility maintains the stent lumen even after the stent placement in a twisted
biliary duct.
Reduced shortening resists localized external pressure and maintains adhesion.
●Axial force
Minimized axial force, the force that tries to straighten a stent, maintains a native biliary
duct running even after the stent placement.
●Delivery System
Thin diameter sheath which has a blade in it (Bare= 7Fr. Covered =8Fr.) achieves excellent
pushability and flexibility.