Trade Name: Numen離脱型コイルシステム
Approval Number: 30500BZI00030000
Designated Marketing Approval Holder: MEDICO’S HIRATA INC.
Trade Name: Numen離脱型コイルシステム
Approval Number: 30500BZI00030000
Designated Marketing Approval Holder: MEDICO’S HIRATA INC.
・Unique coil geometry
The Ω+S shape of Numen™ coil fuses the coil property to extend outward moderately
and the stability in the aneurysm.
・Superior coil adaptability
In various aneurysm configurations, Numen™ coil pursues the feature to cover the
aneurysmal wall evenly and the adaptability to get into the remaining small gap.
・Stable coil filling
The short junction between Numen™ coil and the delivery wire makes it possible to
reduce the kickback of microcatheter and facilitates more stable coil insertion.
※ Numen™ Coil is the short name for Numen Detachable Embolization Coil.